Saturday, December 29, 2007

And today was a day just like any other...

This is my dad's car that i am driving in SG.
I decided to drive to this place called Labrador Park for a walk...

This is one of my friends looking like he had a drink too much..
Every now and then we end up at this place..And my seemingly innocent friends will start asking about the activities that flourish in it right by the road.
He who knows shall answer.And it all ends when my shadow's the only one that walks beside me..

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A walking disaster

I got so pissed drunk i screamed at the sea with all the might i had for the 1st time in my life.
I lamented about how unfair life was, to my friends whom i havent seen for quite some time.
I made a statement about how difficult life can be overseas; something that i didnt believe they can comprehend unless they experience it for themselves.
I held everyone back for a good hour or two till the sun came out and we went for breakfast.
I took consolation that in times of need like these, people whom i regard as friends take such good care of me. A big thank you to my best mate, Alvin. Rita, for being there when i least expect you to should.
I have no regrets i drank that day, i wont have qualms getting pissed drunk yet another time.
I let myself loose that day, allowing all that has been kept within to be let out, for good or bad.
I let the tears flow, heart to bleed, because at the end of it all...
I know i will be renewed with a new sense of being to face yet another vicious cycle of life.

I've been waiting for the chance to reunite this sick romance.

It was unbelievable to hear from you so soon after a rightful mention the night before. What can i say? Coincidences?
I am glad to be recognized to be someone of importance even after such a long time.
It was heartwarming to receive your message asking for a meet up before you leave for yet another long trip.
We might have ended on a sour note, but to see you making an effort to set things right again, it made me realized that you were still the you i once knew..
It felt good that it was not a mistake from the beginning.

I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief

Where are you when you ought to be there.
Why do you always sound like there is something to hide.
What is it that binds us together.
When do i know what to believe in.

You're out there somewhere
I don't know if you care at all
It seems that you don't
It's as if the day will never come
So you remain a complete unknown.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Mist

In the mist of all these shit i am feeling, i decided to do some random profiling and was shock to see the result.

Name: Lim Si Jie
Date: 12/7/2007
Colorgenics Number: 71206534

Enough is enough - you feel frustrated and rejected. You are fighting back and the going is tough. It would be just wonderful if you could be left in peace.

You are a fighter and always on the defensive. You always need to be sure that your position is safe and established. When you finally make a decision you will pursue it to the bitter end in spite of all opposition.

You give the impression that you are a self-sufficient individual, pretending that you are stoical - indifferent to pain or pleasure. But this is not so, for in truth you are an extremely emotional person, one that may make hasty decisions and perhaps repent at leisure. It is time now perhaps to break the bond of detachment and become the real 'you' - the you that you would like to be.

All of the stress and strains resulting from disappointment have led to agitation and anxiety. You have been going out of your way to make a good impression, but you have reservations as to the likelihood of succeeding. You feel that you have a right to accomplish all that you set your mind on but you have become helpless and distressed when circumstances have gone against you. The idea of failure is most upsetting and this can even mean utter dejection. You see yourself as a scapegoat and you feel everyone in your sphere of influence has tried to take undue advantage of you. You are trying to convince yourself that your failure to achieve standing and recognition is not of your making but indeed of those around you.

At this time you don't particularly like yourself. Everything that you have tried to do seems to have gone wrong. This makes you feel that there is no point in trying to start again. Apart from being stressed and tense, you are angry with yourself and have unadmitted self-contempt. Your refusal to admit that you and you alone is the basic cause of your problems leads to you adopting a headstrong and defiant attitude. If you take stock of yourself, smile a little and let go, everything will turn out OK. Have you not heard of the cliche 'smile and the world smiles with you - cry and you cry alone!'?

How fucking true.

This Is My Decemeber..

I wonder why there are ups and downs in life when we all can be mono tone for good.
The fucking reason ppl give is that we can then treasure the good times.. but wait, how come i dun get to enjoy the fucking good time for a bit?

Dear lord,

I seriously think you are fucking around with me. No punt intended.

One moment i could be enjoying THE MOMENT of the year, and the next, i just might have been hit by a truck. So tell me, whats the fuck is all this about?

I am sick of all the reasoning. Sick of hearing anything and everything.

I am tired of being the way i am.

Just leave me alone, like you always had.

Look at me
Who am I supposed to be
and what do I believe?

Can you tell me
Since you made up your mind
Who knows what you believe

And I just don't know
Oh I just don't know, who am I supposed to be?

Look at me
Am I the image of you're hopes and tragedies
Just look at me
Will I ever be more than just a memory

I have decided to sleep when everyone is awake so that i can be left alone when everyone is asleep.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Keep a memory of me, not as a king or as a hero, but as a man fallible and flawed.

And so i meant up with the usual gang, my ex gf, family members, acquaintances.

Watched a couple of shows.
Drank a couple of beers.
Had a couple of good laughs.
And it all ended with going home after.

The cycle never changes.
Not that i am complaining, but i wish there were more to it.
Its getting there i foresee, i am sure, i bet it is.

Meanwhile, ever looking forward as usual.

Now you're beside me, and look how far we've come. So far, we are, so close.